• How does Coup find deals?

    We're partnering with thousands of businesses to find the best deals for you, 24/7. When you’re ready, text any business, brand or type of food or entertainment you’re looking for and we’ll take care of the rest. If we don’t have a deal fitting the description you’re looking for, we'll use your text to motivate a business to offer the you a deal you're looking for. We're working around the clock for you.

  • What kinds of deals can I get with Coup?

    Any deal you want. Start by texting the name of a favorite business. Seriously, just try it.

  • How quickly will I get the deal after sending the message?

    Instantly. Just text, save, repeat.

  • How much does it cost?

    It's completely free to text Coup. When you mention a restaurant or business, we'll send you a discount code that can be redeemed in store or online. No hidden fees.

  • How many coupons can I get each month?

    There is no limit to the number of coupons you can request per month. Thousands of coupons are added into our platform every day, giving you access to thousands of deals from your favorite businesses each month.

  • How safe is my phone number and what do you do with it?

    Coup has implemented Secure Server software (SSL) that encrypts all of your messages. Coup will never sell or distribute your cell phone number to third parties or to vendors. Your coupons and alerts are sent from Coup, not directly from any vendor.

  • Are you going to spam my cell phone?

    Coup will never send unsolicited messages to your phone. We only send one deal at a time to your phone each time you send a text. Mano y mano. There are no limits to how many deals you can request. You will receive a welcome message when you sign up and can unsubscribe at any time.

  • Where is Coup available?

    Right now Coup is launching in Utah. With your help, we hope to be everywhere in the United States.